Dear Business Owner,

Welcome to Rocally!

Rocally was created for the purpose of highlighting small local businesses and its wonderful owners! Every business owner has a story explaining their journey and their why. We love hearing these stories! The light and passion that shines through is infectious.

Rocally has been created for the purpose of supporting your journey and to contribute to your success story.


The Rocally team is focused on serving the businesses on and off our platform in being a tool for growth. To Rocally, what makes a business successful is its ability to serve the community around them. Our team is passionate about building a resource for small businesses and the communities that surround and support them.

Our team is always looking for ways to improve our services, and are actively planning an expansion to the subscription packages services to best assist in the growth of our business users. We will always be open to feedback and requests as well.

As you and your team evaluate your business’ projections and goals, we invite you to reflect on the “WHY” of your business.

We hope you will allow Rocally to be a part of your business’ journey towards continual success. I look forward to growing with you and your business!

Tiffany Henderson
Founder and CEO